Tag Archives: jpeg



Waveform Audio File Format ( WAVE or more commonly known as WAV due to its file extention name) is used for storage audio bitstreams on PCs.  It is the main format used on Windows system for raw and typically uncompressed audio.  WAV audio can also be edited and manipulated with relative ease using software.


Joint photographic experts group JPG is the most commonly used format for photos.  Jpg typically achieves 10;1 compression with little perceptible loss in image quality.


Audio Video Interleave is a multimedia container format by Microsoft as part of its video for windows technology.  AVI files can contain both audio and video data in a file container that allows synchronous audio with video play back.

All 3 of the above information was researched from wikipeadia.org.

Pictures Brief – Bridges over burns in Fife

We were asked to take 15 to 20 pictures of our choosing with a theme I chose to do bridges over burns. The lyne burn bridges in Dunfermline Glen and two bridges over the Dreel burn in Anstruther.  I chose this because of the different architecture of the bridges and the beauty of the surrounding water and trees.

The equipment I used was a Cannon SLR EOS50D.  The camera was set on Jpeg the highest setting to ensure that the photographs would be of the highest standard possible.  I used a tripod to ensure that the camera remained steady.

The software I used was Adobe Premier 9.

I used the rules of composition I was given in a tutorial.

1. Rule of thirds

2. Shapes and lines

3. Framing my subject

4 Look for symetry and pattern

5 Choose point of view.

After taking over 100 pictures I chose the best 20 and put them into a folder to work on using photoshop croping, and enhancing where appropriate.

I then put 18 pictures on my blog in a gallery format.

I found the task very enjoyable.   The subject I chose gave me a lot of scope.  I found using the viewfinder better than the LCD screen when taking the pictures.I  found getting  the  right  posion and  think  of  the  rule  of  thrids  when  taking  my  photos  was the  hardest  part the  task.The  next  i will  take  alot  more  time  over  it.